XP Codec Pack 2.2.0 Homepage: www.xpcodecpack.com ------------------- supported by: www.codecs.com hosted by: www.fre3.com Changelog (September 30, 2007): * Many updates Important! * ALWAYS uninstall previous versions before installing the latest version of XP Codec Pack. The Unistall link may be removed if you don't do it. However, if you are unable to localize the Unistaller (usually you can find a link in Start menu: Start > All Programs > XP Codec Pack or you can access it directly from XP Codec Pack install directory: C:\Program Files\XP Codec Pack) try to reinstall the software. Take care! * You download and use this software entirely at your own risk. We don't offer support for it. * You may freely download and use this software for personal purposes. You may not sell or distribute this software for profit!